Tuesday, April 14, 2009

back to kumasi

when i sat down at this computer i ambitiously attempted to load 50 pictures into an album... 45 mins later and i think 5 have loaded... but check um out!


i hope it works. if it works, the pictures probably need explanations, but i'm not sure which ones have loaded, i hope they're good ones.

i'm back in kumasi! our estimated four hour bus ride ended up to be about eight, but we have grown used to that. i am here with three other students from my program doing independent research. we all lived together for a night and then split up a bit. right now i'm living with amanda in a hostel near campus, there are lost of students living there and it has been fun getting to know them. today i began working with naab after the long holiday weekend. easter is a huge celebration here. the entire city looked like the outer ring at the kentucky derby; women were in big hats and men in fine suits, and bright flowers were everywhere. the art studio on campus is busied by students finishing their final projects (one student is building a bed frame out of clay) so tomorrow naab is taking me to a near by studio where i can work.

more to come soon!
love dane

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