Tuesday, January 27, 2009

hello friends, and FAQs

hi everyone!
tomorrow night i will be leaving JFK airport and embarking on a journey! i am flying to ghana where i will be studying and exploring for the next four months. i am going to do my best to keep all of you (who are interested) updated on my whereabouts and adventures through this blog. i am not bringing my computer with me but will be visiting several internet cafes to post on this here, so check by every once in a while for some stories, photos, and updates. i wont have my phone either for the next four months so don't bother calling; however, i would love to hear what is happening in your lives so please comment on this blog or send me emails at dane.bjorklund@conncoll.edu. i may also be able to skype at some of the internet cafes, so if you're into that kind of thing we might be able to chat for a bit... keep in mind the 5ish hour time difference, depending on where you are located. below is a bit more information regarding this upcoming semester that you might be wondering about...

where is ghana?
ghana is in west africa. it is just above the equator and is bisected by the prime meridian (and therefore sometimes considered the most central country in the world!). ghana has a coastline on the atlantic ocean and holds the worlds largest artificial lake--lake volta. i will be spending the majority of my time in accra (the capital city), and kumasi. i have two home-stays (one in accra and one in kumasi) and one village stay in the ashanti region. i will also be going on several excursions to different national parks and forests, and even a monkey sanctuary! ghana gained its independence from the united kingdom in 1957 and therefore the national language is english.

why are you going to ghana?
i knew that i wanted to study abroad so first i picked a program and decided on a region. i will be traveling and studying through the SIT (school of international training) program. SIT is an independent program and is not affiliated with a specific university in the usa or in ghana (although we will be attending a few lectures and classes at the university of ghana in accra).  SIT focuses on learning on location and individual research. the theme of my program is arts and culture and we will be meeting with several local artisans and crafts people. i will be taking a language course (twi), but most of the other academic work is based on field studies. the SIT program ends with an independent research project where i will be traveling on my own to research an area of my own personal interest (i haven't yet decided on what that will be... maybe something with storytelling or with clay). i knew i wanted to go to sub-saharan  africa because it is a region that i have never experience before and it is a place that i feel will challenge me emotionally, academically, and physically. 

who will you be with?
because the SIT program is independent, i will not be with other kids from my school. i will be with a group or 18 other students from all across the county (none of whom i know) and two professors. 

how long are you away?
i leave tomorrow night (january 29th), my program ends may 15, and then i am staying for two more weeks to travel. i will be back in wisconsin on may 29th.

alright i cant think of anymore questions, but if YOU have any for me, please feel free to post a comment. i hope you all have great semesters and i hope you enjoy reading about my studies and adventures. take care, and i hope to hear from you soon!!!

much love,